Thursday, 30 June 2011

Tweet Tweet

I've finally joined Twitter - after a long time of wondering what this mysterious e-verb entails, I can finally tweet :-) [though I haven't yet got as far as re-tweeting!].

It is taking a little while to get used to the format, which I haven't found as immediately intuitive as I used to find Facebook [I will comment on Facebook on a future post]. However I do like that it is completely transparent in terms of privacy and user settings [again, I will comment on my opinion of Facebook in this respect in a future post].

Its amazing how immediate the feeling is of having majorly-missed-out by not being on it before - and it also feels like learning a whole new language and protocol - in a similar way to blogging - but maybe I'm taking that too seriously!

I do think that the whole e-publishing process is one that you could philosophise a lot about. What is the difference between how you approach professional or social tweets / facebook / blog / other e-posts? Do these count as publishing? [I think they do given that they're in a public forum, but I don't know if everyone would agree]. What are the implications for publishing in the future - given that its becoming increasingly easier and more immediate, does quality suffer - or are standards just becoming different rather than worse?

anyway blah, blah, waffle, waffle...I'm just enjoying being able to chat [tweet?] with other people online, and think one of the most interesting things about Twitter is that it acts as a  'recommended reference tool' - with the links that people provide to information/resources...

...oh yes, and for the record I've also done Thing 3 by setting up a couple of RSS feeds to Google Reader - and found an app in iGoogle that enables you to feed them straight there, as well as one for Twitter - v useful.
For the 'Extra thing' I set up a Twitter app that enables you to set up a feed from your blog straight to Twitter. But I can't find what its called now - and can't see any record of this on Twitter now I've set it up - any help gratefully received [and if you've read this far down my blog post - thanks!]


  1. Hello! I think you've set it up with Twitterfeed. It takes a little while to start feeding things through, but you can see your most recent post has been tweeted here:!/eJournalJunkie/status/86419488140038145

    (A useful Twitter tip is that clicking on the time below a tweet (e.g. '36 mintues ago') takes you to a page with just that Tweet on it, plus info on where it was Tweeted from (e.g. 'via Twitterfeed' or 'via Web').


  2. I literally only learnt that about clicking on the time last week when I was writing the instructions and wondering how to get the tweet by Orkney Library out!

  3. :) I think it was more obvious in old-style Twitter.

  4. Ooh, that's useful to know!

  5. Thanks Katie,
    Didn't know that one either
