Thursday, 23 June 2011

My first blog post

Right, here goes...

I am writing my first blog post feeling terrified of the awesome responsibility that comes with being so easily able to publish your own thoughts (especially after having a glass of wine-just to clarify, it's 7.30pm so not in work hours...once again back to that thought of responsibility!)

The only blogging experience I have had before is writing blog posts on my department updates blog, and reading work related blogs that are either directly related to my job [eg the eresources update blog], or less directly related but still relevant and interesting [eg the Musings about librarianship blog].

'Til now I have felt no compulsion to write my own blog as I'm not convinced of my ability to think of thoughts that are worth publishing on a regular basis! However I can see that I may find it a useful tool to create links to resources that others may not be aware of [as I've tried to do above] and it could also be a way of clarifying my own ideas - in a similar way to how essay and dissertation writing used to in the dim and distant days when I was a student...  But what may be more tricky will be making it interesting for other people to read - so I will not be offended if you don't choose to read further!

I'm looking forward to doing the 23 Things as although I have had some experience of a few of them, I have had little or no experience of the rest. It will be good to have a forum in which I can learn and practice these things alongside others, and hopefully make them relevant to my daily work and/or home life. Have done Thing 1 now [created my iGoogle page]

Hopefully I'll now manage to do Thing 2 by previewing and publishing this post - and by not forgetting its URL which I somehow managed to do I now also have a 'blank blog' floating all alone somewhere in cyberspace...

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the blogosphere. If you click on dashboard you may be able to find your previous blog if you created it under blogger
